Divine Feminine energy is the missing ingredient to freedom and balance in life, relationships and business. Yet, it’s a bit of a mystery.

If you are burned out, tired, frustrated and disappointed, your intuition brought you here to discover the mysterious thing called Divine Feminine energy. When life goes into chaos and confusion please know you are at the door of your greatest spiritual healing.

I work with spiritual seekers who are deeply empathic, intuitive, they know they are good people wanting to change the world, yet struggle to have their needs met in relationships and business.

Taking the inner journey, the path of Divine Feminine is what helps seekers be sovereign, strong, use their voice, get their needs met and create magic and magnetism while doing less.

Cynthia Roemer, Divine feminine Guide,oracle

Hello beautiful souls I’m Cynthia. I was born psychic and magical and shut it down to fit in. While I was actively pursuing transformation over the last two decades, my true Divine Feminine Reclaiming began in 2021.

Over the course of one year I had left a relationship, had two fur babies gone from my life (they were like family) and my mother passed away. This catalyst year was my true Awakening (rapid kundalini rising) and I began to hit depression and didn’t know who I was anymore. What I didn’t realize is that my soul was emerging as I took the path of inner illumination, bringing me back into mystical wisdom, healing and opening my connection to the Creator. Are you ready for more fulfilling and healthy relationships? Are you deeply frustrated yet obsessive to figure out why you can’t get your legacy to the next level?Energetics are a lost spiritual science.Join me in the journey of new earth freedom and abundance.

Cynthia creates a customized plan for each client, tuning into their mind, body and spirit, and what they are seeking to change.

Her speciality is helping you align with your passion, purpose and pleasure time line and while chaos and confusion appear to our human self as challenges, the soul will always give you what you are ready for. This is an entry way for a deep divine feminine energy Reclamation.

Cynthia and her team use unconscious mind healing tools for deep and fast trauma healing.

What’s in Cynthia’s tool box: Esoteric wisdom, Divine Feminine mysteries, Shadow Alchemy, Higher Self Hypnosis, Higher Self Healing, Channeling and oracle readings with Mother Goddess and the opportunity for deep healing and change.

This sacred path supports all areas of your life because everything is energetic. Reclaiming and healing the body, mind, spirit is a part of coming into your balance to rediscover deeper self love, romantic love, fulfilled relationships, capacity for deeper passion and purpose, abundance and pleasure and connecting intimately with your intuition, the guiding force to your highest soul’s timeline.