A product I believe Goddess brought me for Healing and Restoration after MAJOR stress to my mind, body and spirit

It’s Called MORE MITO and I’m going to give you EVERY reason to say yes to this product that absolutely changed and truly saved my life.


It all started when…

I lost my mom to Cancer and my body was in pain. My mother’s sisters all passed from Cancer and it was that experience that made me VERY curious about what was this root cause.

More Mito (only 2 products) fell on my lap from a friend in Hawaii who was raving about it and that was when I said YES!

This is the only product in the WORLD that is ALL natural and can restore and rejuvenate ALL of your mitochondria to what you had as a toddler (when you were filled with endless energy, healthy and could go like the energizer bunny). This is due to a special XDS technology (patented nano-particle technology) that puts the full 44 ingredients (4 ingredients with it are powerfully known to fight Cancer ) right into the cells to REBUILD and REJUVENATE your mitochondria. The base of the product is Black Seed Oil, Olive Oil and So many other amazing ingredients (click the button above to discover the 44 ingredients and don’t be surprised if you save $ as I have helped others do as they no longer take supplements on the list).

DID YOU KNOW: We lose mitochondria from stress, eating poorly, from synthetic medications that we take and from aging and the loss begins at age 30, losing 10% EVERY YEAR!

That’s less energy each year to keep your cells in optimal function for detoxification and healing!

Our Mitochondria is the ROOT foundation for our body to do what it knows how to do …stay healthy. Realize that your body has an inner intelligence to run it. It’s when our mitochondria is depleted that we begin to have challenges.

We have the most mitochondria in our eyes, brain, heart and organs, which is why many people share major changes in organ health, diabetes, neuropathy, energy production, eyes getting better, EMOTIONAL support (this was HUGE for me), increasing spiritual consciousness, clarity, focus AND creative IDEAS and even changes in Cancer. Your mitochondria MATTERS!

Through friends and family who have taken the product, I have discovered that they and I have seen improvements in MORE ENERGY and constant energy, INJURIES healing in week, increased recovery for working out, grey hair disappeared, wrinkles vanishing, emotional healing of grief, depression, anxiety and producing a MAJOR inner state of PEACE, allowing one to be more grounded, make better decisions AND less triggered about life. If I had to give this product a one word name, it would MAGICAL..I’ve heard 100’s of testimonials from others who are using the product with extraordinary results.

This product is reducing people’s ‘true age’, especially in the elderly who are noticing it (90 year old’s dancing again) and even has ingredients to tighten TELOMERES, responsible for anti-aging.

So why does your doctor not know about this?

The truth is I grew up with Western Medicine in Canada and it only addressed making symptoms go away or surgery, pulling out damage, and giving LOTS of synthetic medication. I learned that Dr’s only have 5 hours of nutrition learning so have never heard of half the things in this product. I realized that it was ME and my bodies intelligence to keep me healthy (and when my mitochondria was low after the stress of loss it needed to be rebuilt, which is what made me healthier again).

Reach out and please contact me. I’d love to share my story with you and the 1000’s of people who learning about how powerful their mitochondria is to restore health…and are SEEING in their own lives the changes!

Every Saturday the Company will do a LIVE call sharing AMAZING testimonials so make sure you reach out, text me at 647-539-7413 and I’m happy to get you the call line.