Meet Cynthia Roemer

Guide for your Embodiment Experience and Awakening Journey


Cynthia is one of the most connected, magical and tuned in women I’ve ever met. Her ability to connect deeply to see what others are unable to see is a major asset when you feel lost and are wasting time, money and your energy trying to figure out your life. Her intuition as a mystic and channeled wisdom from Christed-Divine Feminine Consciousness, has helped me move my life forward in a soulful way to greater joy and abundance. The ideas she is pulling from higher consciousness to help me with my business have blown my mind!’

Hi! I’m Cynthia! I was born mystical and psychic, connected to the realm of the unseen and I shut down this gift to be accepted by those around me. Fast forward many decades I’ve reclaimed this gift and work with women and men, guiding them to move into their JOY, deep relationship fulfillment, soul’s calling and to be nourished by life, gifting FREEDOM and healing.

I’ve healed in two ways: through my unconscious mind and through the Christed-Divine Feminine mysteries and purification process that began to melt away three dimensional illusions and bring me into an integrated truth that I AM a spark of the divine.

I can meet you where you are at and I teach the divine mysteries as the frequencies are incredibly high and change the way you perceive light and shadow and the possibility for yourself and the world, which changes everything.

If you are ready to step into your reclaiming of your divine self then you are in the right place. I work with the energies of the ascended masters (I was told I’d be a channel 20 years ago and thought the psychic was wrong and turns out she was right). I teach the path of the Magdalene and Mary Rose mysteries, through deep spiritual sacred texts, from over 2000 years ago. The most important book I have ever read, and the highest frequency, is the Pistis Sophia, by J.J. Hurtak and Desiree Hurtak. It helped me heal through deep loss, trauma, understand my kundalini energy and to realize I was being initiated into a deeply sacred rite of passage instead of going into a deeper spiral of depression.

Freedom comes from the inside out, a path also known as the reclaiming of your WILD Goddess or God spark, leading you to healing and discovering your soul calling and even take you into enlightenment.

A little about how I got back to where I started..

In 2021, I had an accelerated and intense Kundalini remembering after having gone through one year of major change, losing my mother and three others from my life.

This catalyst year led me to reconnect with the love and wisdom of the Ascended masters. I found myself back in the realm of unconditional love with Jesus, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary and deeply being given the truth. This began to move me closer to unity consciousness and even had my first enlightened moment in August 2023. This is the path anyone can take and it requires a commitment to truth including your own. We came here to heal.

My Mission

To reconnect you back to the most important connection you lost, to FREEDOM, your spiritual freedom , your divine potentiality and knowing the divine is here to HELP and guide you.

The path of Christed-Divine Feminine IS Freedom, where you release restrictions that make you feel SO stuck in your life and afraid to be who you came here to embody.

When we realize that we run our lives on conditioning of who we were told to be, and shed this like a snake sheds skin, this becomes our way of thriving, through Death and Rebirth cycles. You were born to know the truth of co-creation with your inner spark.

Your most aligned life and happiness and juicy soul’s calling, exist in relationship with your divine self. Are you ready to RECLAIM and be a part of the NEW earth mission?

A few things about me and my path:

  • i used to work in non profit and over the decade i was there trained over 5000 men and women

  • I’ve travelled to many sacred sites around the world and had many mystical expereinces, from hawaii to mount shasta, to sedona, spain and tofino

  • I’m trained to understand your unconscious program and why you do what you do even when you don’t understand it (I was trained in 2018 as an NLP Trainer, HYPNOsis, time line therapy)

  • There are important energetic elements I teach that make people feel safe to invite in their divine self

  • i have studied ancient mysteries that have changed my life and teach wisdom and how to apply it to your life in a practical way (only putting your mind into psychology, sociology never lets your mind go beyond three dimensions and this is taught in ancient scrolls)

  • I have a team trained in unconscious mind tools and in energetics and other spiritual modalities who have big hearts and souls and I will bring them into the work i do with clients if I intuitively know you need this support

  • I see the energetic freqeuncy of you, your life, your relationships and your business

  • I also see your potential and divine gifts you are invited to claim

  • I see Guides and Masters who wish to connect with you more deeply and share this in readings and client work to support you holding higher frequencies of light

  • a fun fact, my name means goddess of the moon healer warrior and i was born on good friday, and believe jesus was a powerful spiritual saint and shaman, magician and lightworker showing us the way forward with our inner light and the cross and out of the illusions into your higher bodies of light