How I Released past Trauma in 72 hours and Elevated my Life and Relationships in Weeks!

My intention by the time you are done reading this post, is that you are going to be filled with possibility and know that your life can change just as quickly as you read this article especially when you understand HOW powerful using your imagination mind is because that’s where we programmed ALL of our limitations!

I’ve been trained for 1000’s of hours on the brain and have worked with 100’s of women to help them shift their lives in incredible ways, specifically in relationships and business.

I have a really deep understanding of HOW your current life, current reality, was created in your brain, and is running unconsciously like a movie playing over and over AND my intention is for you to know you have the ability to actually change it.

My first change happened in only 72 hours!

The fastest and easiest way to create this change is through active imagination exercises because your imagination is the same part of your brain that is holding the trauma or the significant emotional events that happened.


This part of the brain is known as the unconscious mind and it’s where the big ‘root’ of all of your problems lives and from that root feeds every challenge in your entire life!

When you clear the root of the problem your life is transformed and forever.


Let me share my story to inspire you to know how you can also change your life in a very short period of time…and even in 72 hours

I am very open about my journey as I believe myself to be a way shower, showing the way for others, how to elevate every part of their life and giving you the best way to move forward, saving you a TON of time, money and energy staying stuck or choosing other modalities of therapy that simply cannot produce the same results.

If you are not working with the unconscious mind where your problems live, you are just finding better ways to manage the problem. I’m here to share you can totally change your life and quickly!

I have had many traumatic experiences happen to me as a child and what I realized is that all those events were recorded in my brain. Fast forward seven years of discovering these tools that access the unconscious, all of those traumas are gone. I’m a really happy positive person.

So how did this journey of extraordinary change begin?

I attended a weekend event and in 72 hours released a deep layer of relationship trauma. As I showed up at the event, I thought to myself ‘Oh I’m just going to learn something new’, and little did I know that I’d learn about my ENTIRE programming of my life and realize that my brain was about to take what I was learning VERY personally, simply unwinding layers of deep pain and suffering through imagination exercises, engaging the part of my brain that is known as the feeling mind, the unconscious mind.

This event changed the entire trajectory of my life inviting in a lot of JOY and possibility!

I want to share that main stream media talks about traditional ‘therapy’ , talk therapy and people have been taught that the traumas we have been through and our anxiety is a forever thing. I’m here to tell you this UNTRUE and that I’m living proof as I had multiple traumas and I had anxiety and at one point even depression.

Let this be the moment that you realize your life can be different and the invitation to make this the best 7 minutes of your life to fully read the article!

I watched myself let go of my anxiety in about 10 hours. If I can so can you!

If you approach your problems from a logical and analytical way of healing, then yes you could be stuck in your problems forever and I’m here to tell you that YOUR life changes dramatically when you work with the part of your brain where your problems were actually programmed.

The fascinating thing is that change happens through active imagination exercises. These techniques come from a stream of teaching that is now proven to be the #1 way to clear trauma permanently and with zero recurrence…yes you read this right. It’s the ONLY one that is this effective. If you’ve been ‘trying’ to get rid of the past and it’s been over 3 months, it’s time for a change because you are missing where the problem lives.

If you find yourself here, then realize you are calling in change! This is the first step, reading about the possibility and how fast life can change!

I had never gone to therapy before. I was frustrated. Like really frustrated and in truth I didn’t even know that I could have a different life and let alone using the part of my brain that is my imagination brain…. I was BLOWN away by the results.

The truth is that this progressive type of healing, getting to the root of our problems that is feeding every other problem, is now only making its way to the world and change is on the horizon in the world of becoming what many call ‘super’ human.

The truth is if you no longer have anger it’s so much easier to choose happiness and the more happiness you hang out in you attract more opportunities and life can unfold in such a beautiful way.


In the weekend course, in those 72 hours I did 2 things:

#1- I learned how my entire childhood experience was put into my brain from the time I was born through watching the people around me and that from the time I was born to 7 years old I was taking in programming like a SPONGE!!! Then I went through more stages of life up until 35 where my business personality was FORMED and the same thing about my beliefs around money and abundance…AND it can be changed .

I also learned that my brain does something to my life experiences because we are over simulated with SO much information from one experience. We take in 7,000,000 bits of information per second. WOW! That’s a lot of information coming into our brains in one second.

So what does the brain do to keep us ‘normal’? It will automatically delete, distort and generalize information FIRST, then it will sort it’s way through many unconscious filters that hold our emotions, beliefs and attitudes, traumas, experiences (13 filters exist in our unconscious) .

This is how we can have the same experience and have a totally different perception of what happened and can create arguments too as we fight for what we believe to be true.

I began to understand why I wasn’t being understood by others around me and that it was normal! This helped me to understand and be more compassionate towards others and myself, as they were just unconsciously running a program , just like every other person on the planet!

My perception (the event going through all my filters) was creating my projection of life and my experiences and I had a belief that you had to agree with me or else.. This created a lot of confusion and sadness in my relationships in my life. This understanding helped me let go of a lot of old negative emotions.

What I also realized is that I created deeply buried emotions and decisions about my life through life experiences, that absolutely created challenges over and over in my life and showed up in all of my relationships.

So how did I release what I released in 72 hours?

I was led to use my imagination!

Yes…and that imagination experience was actually helping me unwind my problems at the unconscious level.

I went from so much anger and rage to HUGE love in only 72 hours. My emotional state had shifted dramatically.

This is what I have been doing with my clients for 7 years and they have all had shifts and some who have committed to choosing great thoughts over time and coming for tune ups have had INCREDIBLE results.

Your life can change. If you thought you were ‘broken’ , it is untrue. You too CAN change your life. I did and so can you.

I have an INCREDIBLE group imagination program for BIG BIG BIG change that I run many times a year. Click here to learn more and I promise you that once you decide to change your life, to know you came here to thrive, that your entire life can and will change!

I hope to connect with you soon and guide you into deeper possibility because you are ENOUGH and deserve to thrive and know the abundance that the Universe has for you.



Here’s a list of reasons on why to invite in your Divine Feminine Mysticism

Stepping into your divine feminine energy is your divine feminine mysticism , the realm of frequency and manifestation, the realm of ease and flow and unfolding of abundance that shows up in your bank account and it has one big turning point and first it’s important for you to know this.


A divine feminine is a mystic (it’s part of her archetype) and a mystic doesn’t work with physical consciousness …a mystic understands how to work with spiritual consciousness, the realm of frequency.

And the most important part of the quest, connected to spiritual consciousness, the jumping point , where your life begins to take a turn for an incredible journey, is when you


Begin to trust your intuition

Who were some Historical Mystics?

Mystics were all through out history (Nicola Tesla and Albert Einstein absolutely fit the criteria) and are MORE Divinely Wise than logically smart. Their success required them to defy logic and earned them a label of genius when they brought this consciousness down into 3D physical form.

These two men were some of the wisest and successful people in history, where they used their ‘internal’ communication system, and played in the realm of spiritual consciousness, outside of using three dimensional physical consciousness logic. They let their higher self lead them and they trusted it and that created HUGE success.

If you are on the path of your own mysticism unfolding, realize that it will NEVER be a logical linear path, as it’s working with the divine directional system. Expect twists and turns and lots of surprises ;p

As you build your relationship with your higher self you also raise your level of receiving wisdom…wisdom that will pierce the veils of three dimensional illusion, the ones that keep you stuck in fear, worry and scarcity. I call this the matrix, a system designed to keep you out of your divine embodiment. Check out my article on the matrix in another blog I wrote and an open mind is required as it will challenge every system you were conditioned into.

Trusting your intuition is also an incredibly important part of building your higher light bodies. As a mystic who has learned to trust her intuition, I can share from personal experience that it has guided me to the most juicy and magical moments of my life and the more I trust my intuition something else happens…

A hidden secret is that one of the ways to get out of three dimensional consciousness fear, worry and scarcity, is to invite in MORE receiving of your higher wisdom as that wisdom is what pierces the illusion veils. This is something that I first began to learn from my mystery school teacher and through understanding how to work with the elements I began to receive more.

The path to enlightenment doesn’t come from mainstream media. It comes from what the mainstream doesn’t want you to know. Can you imagine if we had a world wide enlightenment wave and suddenly people were no longer conforming to a 3 D belief system? Living on their own higher divine terms? That might really upset some systems that we currently have in place in the world.

Why else to trust your intuition

If we only have ‘faith’ and believing in oneself strategies based on three dimensional external circumstances it can be very challenging when things stop working (a nudge from your higher self calling you to go within to build your inner trust). You were meant to have both as you were born with the capacity for both and as a Divine Feminine you hold an incredible power within to be a vessel for receiving. It’s why women are known to get ‘wiser’ as they get older and they can also go through a lot of events around mid-life that create that inner divine wisdom.

I wish for every woman to know that life is not the way it seems only looking on the outside and that’s a condition.

If there isn’t money in your 3Dimensional bank account…that doesn’t mean you can’t create when you understand how to work with frequency.

Mysticism and Genius perspective using Quantum Physics

One other thing famous mystics knew was that we are part of a multiverse, and our life is like a speck of dust compared to the ginormous expansiveness of the universe.

This has helped me get through some of the most challenging times in my life. The humanness of life pulls us into the human struggle and we can move through pain and suffering and get stuck there.

When I look at the vastness of the multiverse, knowing that this liminal energy that I can’t see represents 96% of my reality, I can look at my life problems with the inner knowing that there is a vastness that is calling my attention vs. my perceptions of a problem.

Understanding Frequency is what takes us into the expansiveness of possibility.

The vastness of the multiverse can only be experienced through the doorway to our higher self.


How can you start trusting your divine feminine and intuition?

Step 1: Decide

Step 2: Create a daily FAITH and TRUST practice that your divine self has YOUR highest good and only your highest good in mind (it’s the 3D ego self that pulls you out of this truth because we think things are not working when meanwhile there is a ‘pulling a part’ to let you recreate an aspect of your life that actually wants to happen.

Step 3: Keep an intuition journal and watch it lead you to where you are asking to go.

Step 4: Understand your levels of receiving will start small

Realize that you will go from receiving one word, to a phrase, to trusting exactly what you receive( I can say this took me 2 solid years of devotion to get to this space). The more grounded you are on this journey the more wisdom you will receive

Your greatest truth ….


If you are stuck more in the three dimensional hustle and pain and suffering of life and want the back door out, and feel it in your bones that there is an easier way, let’s chat

(women have an inner knowing). I will always extend a complimentary call for you.

Understanding your Divine Feminine Energy- Part 2

If you read part one then you have a better understanding of where you came from and where you are at right now , what’s really important and where you are also headed…I AM ownership, embodiment of this divine feminine energy frequency…the ONLY truth of who you are in this physical vessel, divine magnetism and for some of you even enlightenment.

Maybe it feels far away from your now and I promise you that God gifted me a road map and I’m going to guide you to the next step to get there faster.

While I believe that we all go at our own pace, some women and men have been CHOSEN to become the embodiment of a living breathing God/Goddess in human form. A path of spiritual devotion is what will get you there faster…and for now stay tuned to the rest of part 2.

I’m currently travelling in Colorado enjoying the mountain energy to spark my creative divine fire and support my feminine integration for the next chapter of my life.

I promise you waiting will be worth it AND send me a message to let me know you are waiting :)

Understanding your Divine Feminine Energy- Part 1

Let’s start at the very beginning , a place where there was no time and nothing was linear….the space of the unseen, the liminal, the spiritual consciousness realm…

You came from a soul who with your spirit and divine feminine essence decided what your journey could be , the three dimensional physical reality ‘stuff’ you came to experience and the opportunities along your journey to evolve spiritually, realizing you are governed through the law of free will.

You chose your parents, your friends, lovers, spouses, family and others became soul contracted with the intention to evolve you back into your magic and deep SPIRIT- SOUL connection…the ultimate as a state of enlightenment.

They became your spiritual mirrors for your greatest expansion. Can you see the truth within these relationships or do you struggle to forgive and blame others around you?

I know how hard it can feel in that moment when we want to be right and control the outcome..yet that’s interfering with the big divine plan that we signed up for.

The largest part of who you are and your universe is, is the realm of the unseen, divine consciousness and energy that you get to program all day every day to get you what you desire.

Science even proved the realm of the unseen is 96% of your universe, yet only 0.04% is your physical 3Dimensional life…yet we give SO much focus and attention to what’s happening around us in this physical realm.

Be honest with yourself. What does your spiritual devotion practice look like? If there is nothing start turning within.

We are triggered, pulled into drama, try to push harder to make things work, yet many of us are asking for greater abundance and your highest timeline. Do you really realize what you are asking for? Spiritual Enlightenment…and this comes with the force of your divine will guiding you to the ignition, which also puts you into a deep death cycle (this was my life the last two years) and from that death cycle (which we can fight and makes life VERY hard), you shed your self-will, your ego desires, attachments and addictions.

After, you begin to receive the reforming and from someone who has gone through this dark night of the soul and a rather double decker of one, stillness is required….like A TON of it and patience.

A woman’s spiritual path starts in 3 Dimensions where she gains a lot of spiritual knowledge (it becomes like an academic course) …yet this is the limited version of spirituality.

The next step is Purification, the true awakening, becoming the ‘virgin’ purity of your soul’s essence, thereby becoming your I AM, igniting the holy fire within, becoming the vessel of deep divine magnetism where you start to purify to the point that you manifest in the smallest amount of time and even Instantly.

It’s the path of activating your five higher bodies where you start to receive great wisdom downloads and even become illuminated like the Saints did. How did you get your coat of light? You pierced the 3 D lower veils that have kept you stuck in only 3 Dimensions, which could never give you access to the realms of higher consciousness and magnetism.

So what is waiting? The greatest love you have ever experienced, divine love and the greatest abundance you have every wished for, aligned with your soul purpose and higher states of consciousness reflected in your relationships.

So maybe you are asking yourself..HOW DO I GET THAT????

It’s time to go find Part 2 of Understanding your Divine Feminine Energy ;p