Stepping into your Legacy and Activate your deep magician and lion heart

A one-on-one experience, to activate your co-creator codes for prosperity love, and taking you into your higher timelines of freedom and receiving.

This is a monthly offering where you can continue as long as you need the support.

I know how important creating your Legacy is and being able to support your family and create more relationship harmony.

The last three years have put many souls into a fight-flight response (and for some reactivating old traumas ), creating a lot of anxiety, exhaustion and taking them further from the realm of their sacred wisdom and connection.

Cynthia is a mystic and works with soul consciousness. She has the ability to see the truth where others cannot. If you are stuck in an area of your life and are ready to go deeply into the truth of who you are, unearth wisdom, and understand that you came here to be a co-creator. Men have divine masculine and divine feminine energy and your soul brought you here to discover balance.

How Cynthia supports souls: teachings on energetics and letting go of the old paradigm, how to open you up to receive more from your higher self (the unlimited life force energy vs. using your conscious thinking mind which drains your energy), moving through the shadow aspects that you are ready to heal and if required care from Cynthia’s team trained in the incredible trauma tools for healing, unconscious mind tools (Your Unconscious Mind is responsible for 95% of your Blocks in Business, Relationships, Wealth, Energy and overall Life) and higher self healing with Cynthia.


Here’s what former clients have experienced:

  • Release emotional baggage from the past

  • Get more clarity on your Legacy (your higher self and soul consciousness journey is the guide vs. your logic)

  • Step into more creativity and understanding cocreation with the Universe

  • Get out of overworking or procrastination

  • Nervous system regulation to support slowing down and practices that create calm and ease (somatics)

  • Heal feeling undernourished and under appreciated in your relationships

  • Release GUILT and keeps you in cycles of never enough and self doubt

You get to co-create your life and your higher self is giving you what you are ready for and your humanness is the one who may be confused, unfocused, afraid, unmotivated, lost, stuck and take the next step onto the higher timeline.

It’s common for Cynthia to receive many messages from your higher self and even see Guides who are ready to support you NOW.

An important sacred truth: you co-create in every NOW moment, so your life can move quickly once you let go of the three dimensional block and belief that is holding you back from what’s next for you, more connection to your higher self, passion, joy and prosperity love and wisdom.

The path to Spiritual Mastery for Divine Masculine

Magicians, Lion-hearts and Wisdom Codes

This is a 9-Month Container with Cynthia for Soul Consciousness Awakening, Alchemy, Wisdom, Life & Soul Calling Support

Enter into an energetic container with cynthia and get ready to be awakened

Open to your Magician Wisdom

In 2023 Cynthia experienced her first moment of enlightenment, when her higher etheric heart opened and her connection to the Divine went to an incredibly higher level.

It was what led her to moving into the embodiment of her soul’s calling, being a Mystical Guide, helping build your Faith in the Universe, receiving the mysteries that are hidden from plain site and receiving the wisdom that can break down the illusions of three dimensional reality.

She will meet you where you are at. If you are working deeply in energetics she will use tools to access the higher realms for healing and if you need deep unconscious belief changes she has some incredible tools for trauma healing (Cynthia’s trauma team is trained in permanent trauma release tools such as NLP and Hypnosis ).

She understands how unconscious blocks hold you back from receiving this energy. They keep you in what mystics called the three lower veils of illusions, keeping you in ‘self will’ instead of expanding your light into ‘divine will’, the greater plan for why you came.

This is a commitment to your path of higher self, higher magic and to deeper more intimate and fulfilling relationships.

Cynthia will meet you where you are at on your journey and take you on a discovery program of:

  • your shadows

  • your soul lessons and why you experienced your ENTIRE life journey (this can bring a lot of healing and deep relief, allowing one to move through the full cycle of their awakening and completing learnings that you in the past have struggle to understand)

  • If in romantic relationship, Cynthia will also teach you how to reconnect with your partner on a deeper more intimate level as conscious couples have a huge opportunity to support each other on this journey reaching higher levels of divine frequency.

  • Learn mystery school teachings that opened Cynthia up to levels of higher wisdom and intuitive knowing and DEEP remembering

This is a powerful opportunity to work with Cynthia’s energetic capacity to help you understand your souls’ path, learn ancient wisdom to better understand who you are and to understand your energy bodies that are keeping you in distortions, out of balance and out of receiving what you truly desire.

This is about bringing you and your life into balance with truth, divinity and your soul’s reason for being here now.

Cynthia will teach you alchemical healing to help you alchemize your awakening and kundalini practices (if you have awakened).

Come into your lion heart you came here to know. Align with your heart, soul and be nourished in relationships.

This is a program for men who are DEEPLY seeking the Mysteries and Wisdom and connection to their Divine Self.


Intuitive readings with Cynthia

Connect to the cosmic mother for wisdom

Intuitive Readings with Cynthia are MAGICAL

Cynthia’s happiest place in the world is sharing divine wisdom. After the loss of her mother her psychic skills expanded greatly. She receives a lot of wisdom to share with you to help you create the change. Many clients say that Cynthia is very wise and holds the space for you with a lot of compassion.

Cynthia is honored to guide you through an Intuitive Channeling session to help you get a better understanding of why your life is the way that it is. She will use oracle cards, channeling with the cosmic mother and may also invite you to connect to specific guides as it is often during these sessions that they will show up in your auric field. All sessions will be recorded.

Please realize that Cynthia does not predict the future for you. You are the co-creator of your life and with the information that she is sharing with you during your session, you have an opportunity to make adjustments to be living your best life! Sessions can be focused on romance, business, relationships, money or anything else that is important for you. These sessions can also be gifted to friends and family. Please know the guidance you are given is not to be used to replace other treatment you are receiving.

Would you like to email with Cynthia? You can email Cynthia directly at: