Radically Change your Life in Eight-Weeks! Welcome to one of the most Transformative Group Programs

Imagine getting together in a group and ‘playing’ with your imagination to RADICALLY transform your life into fulfilled relationships, jobs and even more money in your business!

Unconscious Mind Tools engage your imagination and are the fastest way to create the change and are proven to be the #1 way to release trauma permanently! I’ve designed something that will help you CHANGE your life and have fun doing it.

Imagine getting together with with a group of people virtually, from the comfort of your own home , where no one has to know why you are there, and just ‘playing’ with your imagination while creating MASSIVE change in your life. Welcome to this innovative program designed to give you back more energy, time, focus, increase your happiness in relationships, your job and business and have better sleep!

For those on the Path of Higher Consciousness and the Law of Attraction this is for you!

Everyone woman deserves to move into her sacred self, her Goddess energy, and to understand how important sacred self love is for creating conscious relationships, more abundance, aligning with divine missions and Receiving and MAGNETISM!

This program offers:

  • the unique opportunity for self-paced learning from your personalized library

  • a channeling session with Cynthia and one divine feminine integration session

  • sacred self love rituals

  • understanding your shadow and embracing it through alchemy practices to support your highest co-creations with the Universe

  • Understanding how to work with higher consciousness

  • All sessions begin with an unconscious clearing, through either a Time Line Therapy session or Past Life Regression to start you in a state of unlimited possibility

  • This package also includes one month of Voxer support from Cynthia to encourage you to discover your highest expression of sacred self love and the expansion of consciousness for manifestation

Everyone , no matter where you are at on your journey, is seeking the same things, to love yourself more, to attract more joy and love in relationships and more abundance and fulfillment in relationship and business.

Cynthia will provide you through her intuitive guidance, and divine feminine self discovery process, to help you unlock limitation and expand your understanding of consciousness

She will bring in her team of Transformation Specialists to guide you in your unconscious releasing to support you to plug into the next level of your LIFE and Consciousness so you can amplify what you are receiving.

Cynthia will introduce you to many tools to support your journey:

  • Unconscious tools like NLP tools, Time Line Therapy, Past Life Regression, NLP Coaching tools, Hypnosis, Core Transformation, Magnified Healing and Wholeness

  • Personalized library may also be included