Welcome to A Magical container to expand your capacity to receive more pleasure, passion and purpose

Reclaim and Rebirth

Welcome to a 3 month container for women to step out of their masculine energy and to step into balance, reclaiming Divine Feminine Energy, creating a ripple of transformation and magnetism.

Doors open for registration on the New Moon, November 1,2024 and a kick off event in December for vision questing and magic and begin the full rebirth cycle January-March, in 2025 together

A 3 Month container of mysteries, transformation and breakthroughs opening you up to your essence, the most juicy magnetic energy a woman can embody

Journey into the deep Mysteries developing your inner wisdom and creating transformation

A mystical adventure of creating balance, regaining deep wisdom of your divine feminine energy (this is where the life force energy of your passion, purpose and pleasure are reclaimed) .


This container is intended for women who are on the path of spiritual discovery, tired, frustrated, uncertain of the future, need a boost of belief, are curious about magic, mysticism and maybe identify as a Light worker. This container is about rebirth. What is so important for you to recreate?

You can bring your business, your relationship with a partner or an intention to leave a job and even start a business.

Whatever you come into this container with, it’s form will change.

The last container Cynthia ran with a group of women experienced such dramatic change in loving themselves, they even fell in love, sparked a nwe business, grew a business, and one former client even got engaged and pregnant!

Magic happens when women come together and have a Guide who keeps the group in harmony with universal mystical laws and ancient wise woman secrets that shatter old belief systems that are tucked into the shadows.

This is a sacred container with an option for one-on-one support with Cynthia for business and life guidance. All those who leap into this container will learn mind-body-spirit practices to support your awakening.

Unconscious mind tools will be used in the group sessions and have been so effective with Cynthia’s past clients that she’s seen trauma released from flying phobia (held by a client for 30 years), to abuse, to old past failures and relationship pain that keeps a woman stuck and with a hurt heart. She’s watched women double their income and make really important life changes that were always there for them to discover yet hidden in the shadows.

There is an important divine plan guiding you.

When women are blocked they stop their ability to co-create because they co-create through all of their chakras.

When women have blocks in safety, security, feeling pleasure and excitement for life and struggle to use their voice, their power centre, it can stop a woman’s magnetism and feminine power channel.

You were born to receive. It’s your absolute birth rite.

This is a 3 Month magical introductory to mystical truth and divine feminine expansion of passion, pleasure and purpose, to support your REBIRTH into greater RECEIVING

Everything is frequency. Ready?

I’ve created this program because I am here to help you Reclaim! It’s my absolute delicious zone, to get women into their truth and know they are capable of anything!

The last 3 years have put many women into a fight-flight response (and for some women reactivating old traumas), creating a lot of exhaustion, feeling hopeless, confused about life (yet women were born with deep instincts because they are so intuitive). While life may appear challenging, this is a time or healing.

It’s a time to rebirth yourself and your dreams.

It’s time to Open you up to RECEIVING and be NOURISHED by life instead of being left in confusion and chaos. No one needs to take that into 2025. When you understand co-creation, you understand that you can change your life in every now. It does not matter what is happening around you, it’s all in your mind and connection to wisdom.

this is An intimate program with cynthia and it is about understanding your mind, body, spirit and soul’s quest that you are on.

To make an impact and be of service you need to let your needs be nourished so life can flourish, through the truth of your divine feminine energy. You were always born to know your sacred truth and this path is one of the most important journeys a woman takes and can struggle to figure out when she is confused.

You are deeply programmed out of your sacred self.

It’s time to lean into your truth and transform.

Women came here for co-creator wisdom and acceptance (Cynthia’s connection to Mother Goddess has gifted her deep wisdom that she is here to share with others) , to fully Reclaim your Divine Feminine energy.

Chaos is always the doorway to the feminine. Please know that we live in duality so where there is shadow there is light.Where this is stuckness there is change and abundance.

Freedom is your Divine Feminine

Over the course of the 3 Month Rebirth Experience:

  • Learn a deep understanding of the most important energetic principles to bring your manifestation into FORM

  • Understand why you stop and start things holding you back from your dreams (it’s tucked away into your shadows and belief systems)

  • Love and alchemize your Divine Feminine and Masculine shadows that your soul is calling you to transform and use for deep wisdom and expanding your magnetism

  • Feel activated to create

  • Divine Feminine energy activations (amplifying your spiritual energy) and group channeling sessions from different aspects of goddess

  • Expand Creativity and even rebirth new ideas and offers (remember this is a REBIRTH cycle) and 3 cycles as we are moving through three full moon cycles, each 28 day cycle is an opportunity to shed and invite in fresh energy to be birthed

  • Invite in more ENERGY and PASSION to bring into your mission and life (leaving behind any regrets), and opening up to your divine higher self energy, your unlimited life force vs. the energy of your thinking mind (living only on this is what drains a woman and she is never nourished)

  • This is deep soul healing, stepping into deeper acceptance of your journey and why you experienced it in this lifetime (soul wisdom and this is where many women will receive downloads to their next soul calling)

  • Learn feminine sacred ritual and mysteries to build your faith and capacity to RECEIVE, turning your frustration into FIERY excitement to spark new energy of co-creation (this is where a woman who receives the deep understanding of her energetics can begin to start her embodiment journey)

  • Heal traumas with Cynthia and access to her compassionate trauma and energetics healing team

  • Open up to the sacred , sensual and sexual energy of your divine feminine and feel safe to hold more pleasure (this is a program that can support healing of womb trauma)

  • Connect to more of your Divine Feminine Energy through Sacred Activations, opening up to the magic and mystery you came here to know and embody

  • Get out of karmic loops where you keep repeating the same relationships and powerless cycles with yourself and abundance (once you are out of the cycle it’s when the next dharma (expanded light) cycle opens up and sometimes it’s deeply hidden and Cynthia has an ability to see the truth where her client’s can’t (it’s her super power to be connected to the underworld of spirit)

This experience includes:

  • Deep compassion and wisdom from Cynthia and her healing team (Cynthia provides her clients with unconscious tools that are powerful for trauma healing and belief system changing)

  • If your kundalini energy is active Cynthia can also provide you wisdom and practices to support you

  • Divine feminine rituals to help you move into RECEIVING and somatic body movements to help you get into an embodied frequency of more excitement and pleasure (your body and mind have some dense energy to move out before it can have more capacity to receive pleasure)

  • Community Support and Group Coaching (you can also upgrade to a VIP package for one-on-one guidance from Cynthia to support love and business co-creation)to help you move closer to change and co-creating your dreams

  • Action matters in the co-creation process and is easier to do when you have support and a group cheering you on

  • Intuitive access to the precision of Cynthia’s wise woman intuitive channel, guiding you to see what you cannot on your own (Cynthia sees your shadow and light and soul’s gifting ready to be received along with the karmic loops you are caught up in)

  • Cynthia is going to teach you how to better understand your own intuition (how to decode the signs and messages and open up to receive more)

  • Learning intuitive discernment is the path to more magnetism

  • Connect deeply to your guides through Cynthia and rituals , energetic clearing and rituals

This container is a deeply sacred space where you can be held by the frequency of Divine Mother , be in receivership from Cynthia and her team and the Creator to help you change your life and go through the cycle of REBIRTH into RECEIVING.

This container is about CHANGE and Connecting to your inner self, your sacred soul, who knows the path to your highest timeline.


Cynthia takes her clients very deeply into truth (it’s her mystical wise woman shamanic super power) to help her clients unblock their blocks to their challenges in business, relationship with self and others.

Cynthia is a life long student of the mystical feminine arts, a teacher of wisdom and she is deeply embodied with wisdom and will give you the codes your soul needs to expand. WE are energy!

Every client Cynthia works with discovers a deeper connection to her intuition. The unconscious tools will help you remove blocks (the unconscious is the bridge to higher wisdom) so you can begin to connect more deeply to your own wisdom which is connected to how you discover your soul’s purpose.

It’s Cynthia’s magical calling to support your path to passion, purpose and pleasure, your magnetism. If you are ready to be awakened and step into a Reclamation, book a call with Cynthia below.

Doors open for registration on the New Moon, November 1,2024 and a kick off event begins in December for vision questing and magical good byes to what you are ready to shed and begin the full rebirth cycle January-March, in 2025 together.

This container is only run three times per year.

Are you ready for one-on-one support with Cynthia?

Stepping into a passion pleasure purpose container is a magical and deep expansion, inner and outer in all areas of life.

Cynthia holds a very safe container of energy with her clients. She only holds space for 5 women each month.This requires an interview with Cynthia so please book your call below.

Working with Cynthia provides you all you need access to her compassionate care trauma tools, coaches and their unique spiritual gifts. It’s common for clients to receive major energetic and mind-set changes within the first few weeks.

Click the link below and book in a call to learn about being in a one-on-one container with Cynthia to support your life, business and romance.

Intuitive readings with Cynthia

Connect to the wisdom of mother goddess

Intuitive Readings with Cynthia are MAGICAL and deep as she has a lot of wisdom to share with women. She only opens her calendar up at specific times of the year so make sure to book yourself in.

Cynthia’s happiest place in the world is sharing divine wisdom. After the loss of her mother her psychic skills expanded greatly and it’s where her dark night of the soul blessed her to her channels embodiment. She receives a lot of wisdom to share to help you choose the best stops for your most passionate, pleasurable and abundant future. Many clients say that Cynthia is very wise and holds space with a lot of compassion.

Many women feel very calm around her and boosted with encouragement.

Cynthia is honored to guide you through an Intuitive Channeling session to help you get a better understanding of why your life is the way that it is. She will use oracle cards, channeling with the cosmic mother and may also invite you to connect to specific Divine Feminine guides as it is often during these sessions that they will show up in your auric field. All sessions will be recorded.

Please realize that Cynthia does not predict the future for you. You are the co-creator of your life and with the information that she is sharing with you during your session, you have an opportunity to make adjustments to be living your best life! Sessions can be focused on romance, business, relationships, money or anything else that is important for you. These sessions can also be gifted to friends and family. Please know the guidance you are given is not to be used to replace other treatment you are receiving.

You can email Cynthia directly at cynthia@accelerateyoursacredpower.com or you can book a consultation call with Cynthia below.