Be Kinder to Yourself! You are Experiencing your Life through your Childhood Programming!

We live a very conscious life, only accessing about 10% of our brains.

What’s interesting is that all of our learning, behavior and change happens in our unconscious mind (the other 90%). We create our own personal ‘what’s right and wrong’ , known as our internal programming, between the ages of 0-7, followed by modeling and then a socialization period.

Here we are today, living our adult lives still running these programs. Feels a little ludicrous, doesn’t it?!

As children, we experienced things that were too hot to handle. We did not have the neurology to process the experience so it got stored in our unconscious mind, locked away safely. A memory that is too hot to handle can be you as a child being yelled at when you are three years old. That’s traumatic to a three year old.

So what does this mean for us today as adults? We could all use some ‘clean up’. These experiences that we have are blocking us from what we want in life.

I used to be shy and afraid to take control of my own life because I was afraid to make mistakes (my internal child programming made me believe I was bad if I did).

Every obstacle in our life is a great learning AND you can clear the emotions and limiting beliefs attached to it to get to neutrality. If you could live a happier more peaceful life why wouldn’t you? I’m grateful I’ve moved past all that fear or I may have never become a certified Practitioner and wouldn’t be writing this article.

I’m learning to get over myself. Life gets easier when we get over ourselves.

If you are curious about how to detach from the emotions to let some space into your life to create what you want book a complimentary Illumination and Clarity call with me today.

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