The Unconscious Meanings in your Wardrobe. Who is showing up today? Part 1…

Image is a really important thing. It impacts how you show up in your world and how others perceive you which can impact business and your personal life.

In my former life I was an Image Consultant and Personal Shopper. I remember the fascinating things that I would learn about people through their wardrobe..and while you might be thinking that I found things that were inappropriate or super weird, I’m talking about the persona that women were projecting into their worlds from an UNCONSCIOUS perspective.

Who is showing up today? Goddess or Maiden or Child or Priestess ? Each of these ‘archetypes’ are showing up and have different qualities associated with them. An archetype is a filter that you are running your life through and there are certain qualities that are associated with them.

While the expression, What you think you become (we know it to be true as it is in our brain wiring), I believe that What we wear we become through projecting the archetype qualities of who we choose on that day.

I would bet that if you went into your wardrobe you would be able to create sections in your closet of the different archetypes that are in it. I’m so curious who would be running the show most?!

All of our behaviour, learning and change is coming from the unconscious so that means that you are doing it without realizing it. This is why AWARENESS is the first step to changing something.

So what did I become aware of when I gave my own wardrobe a closet audit? LOTS!

I have sections of Goddess and Priestess (think leather skirts, form fitting and sexy) and while Goddess is projected in my clothing that flows, I want to add the flowy pieces to some structure.

Being a woman who loves comfort in her clothing, I have to be careful that I don’t get caught up in big cozy sweaters and sweat pants 24/7. I also am more aware of when I want to project power into what I’m doing that day I have to bring the right archetype with me in my outfit. And what an amazing thing to see in my dresses that I purchased. Is it cute vs. sexy..what a difference in archetypes running the show the day I bought them!! A whole lot of maiden in the cutesy ‘child-like’ styles.

Who is running your show from an unconscious perspective?

Here’s how to know:

1. Go check your wardrobe and create categories based on similarities

2. Look at persona’s you project – sexy, frumpy, sporty, powerful, cutesy

3. Look at your accessories too! Penny loafer vs. Sports shoe vs. Stiletto- You better believe there are different versions of yourself being projected!

If you are curious to learn more about archetypes,  Carolyn Myss, has a wonderful book called ‘Sacred Contracts’. You can learn a lot about your archetypes and find the ones that resonate with you.

The next time you get up in the morning look in the mirror and ask WHO you want to be today. What is her goal? Then get dressed. And if you are finding yourself in a stuck spot, reach out and let’s chat. I’m here to help you. And if you are curious about which archetypes are running your wardrobe choices I can help with that too.

And there is a PART 2 to this post so check that out to learn more about the strategies you can use with your archetypes for getting to greater success!

If you are ready to discover a deeper meaning in your life please book an Illumination and Clarity call with me today.