How to Balance your Sacred Feminine and Masculine Energy

Okay so I promise that this is going to be easier and might seem really simple, to the point where you wonder why the heck have you not thought about this sooner ;p

My very first tactic: Schedule it

Listen you are programmed to “DO” your life.

It is all at the unconscious level and it’s not like you sit and think about it.

Every day make a list of your ‘how’.

Realize that when you are in your business you are likely dominating from your masculine energy. It’s the doing.

So can you start your day off in your feminine- space to unfold whatever desires to show up in your writing, your creativity of ideas, your intuitive downloads, your intuition foresight, and the list can go on. Can you spend some time in the morning simply FEELING good. This feminine space is your flow. Can you connect to momma earth for grounding, sourcing from her so you can use her energy instead of grinding your way through life force energy?

Schedule in feminine flow breaks. Go sit on the lawn, go lie under a tree, daydream!

Knowing you will be in the doing for most of your day, can you then end your day with more feminine flow? Take a bath, write, read a book, listen to music, meditate, etc.

We are in charge of balancing our life. YES I know it can be challenging and it requires you to make some adjustments AND when you are taking time to hear the insights, to hear spirits call you will be led on a very different path, one that doesn’t require THINKING.

It’s FLOWING- you are led- you follow.

If you are ready to take your life and legacy to the next level then reach out to me today to book a legacy clarity call. YES you can!

