Tips to Avoid the NEW Entrepreneur Trap

I remember when I became an entrepreneur. It was a HUGE learning curve!

I want to share what I learned to help you avoid the Biggest TRAPS I made that could have saved me so much TIME, Happiness and $:

  1. Embrace new systems because your time is the most important thing

  2. Plan your schedule where you get to take time for you first, time with family and time for fun and then business (this also sets the intention to your unconscious mind to help you find your balance)

  3. If we do it the other way, where we only do business then we are on our way to becoming resentful and out of alignment with our best life

  4. Being in seclusion and being afraid to ask for help is the fastest way to hit STUCK and struggle and that impacts everything. Why? Because you can only run your unconscious ‘I’m stuck and ‘problem’ strategy which means we hit the wall and spin.

  5. Thinking you have to be at a certain level to hire an assistant- the more time you spend doing what you LOVE to do and things that bring you joy, then you become more magnetic when you are DOING what you are DOING (even if this means you get help to post your social media and to manage your website blog posts that matters especially if you are struggling to do it)

  6. Hiding from what makes you uncomfortable (remember that anything NEW means you are putting in new brain wiring and that also means your brain triggers discomfort and that also means finding effective ways to do those things ). Be kind to yourself. Realize research shows you are 95% more likely to do the doing you don’t want to do (the things that you might call ‘scary’ especially if you have someone to hold you to your dreams)

  7. Avoiding your #’s (This is unconscious LACK programming and feeling AWFUL and ashamed or embarrassed so let’s get honest with ourselves so we can change it)

  8. Losing track of your #’s (unconscious sabotage, and OH BOY do I know this one, and will share that when I shifted this and claimed responsibility for ALL my #’s I started to steward how I spent $ which created MORE $)

  9. Avoiding doing the doing of sales (YES I can help you program your mind to LOVE sales please ask me as it is SO important!!)

  10. Deciding you hate sales (first you decide, then you create a belief (what do you believe about asking others for $ for your services) and then you stop doing what is so important for success because your unconscious mind will always do what it is told even if that means avoiding so it doesn’t have to feel bad)- Ask me about my Feminine Accountability Mentorship

  11. Bringing your expectations over from the last job you had ( you are totally changing your unconscious VALUES and that is a big deal so when we move from our job to a business you are actually wiring new strategies for success, ones that you might never have had in a job) so please avoid setting yourself up for that. Growth takes time, you learn and you use energy too.

    Be mindful of this: If your brain is wired to do things only when you were told to do them you may have a hard time self-starting to do the doing (and especially to go do the doing of what makes you uncomfortable) and let’s just call the truth the truth that a lot of the things we need to do in business are areas we may be uncomfortable in because it’s totally new (think if you used to help people and now you are learning to ask for $ and then help them as your client that is different)

  12. Failure to realize that it is the MOST expansive opportunity of your life to grow and to create the life you desire and to really anchor WHY you are doing what you are doing (why did you decide to leave your job) and that it takes time, patience and compassion

  13. Running really ineffective strategies like If you get a no from someone you tell yourself you are a failure and you decide you are doomed- this is an ILLUSION because for every NO you get you are closer to a YES!

  14. Forgetting to eat, take care of yourself and you get run down

  15. Forgetting to have FUN!!! The high vibes of fun, joy and play , when weaved through your business, are FILLED with abundance

Now here are a few spiritual principles to help you see where you might be stuck too (think Law of Attraction):

  1. DOING more to make more (big illusion) because it’s the how am I FEELING when I’m doing that actually matters because we attract from vibration which is measured by EMOTIONS and so when we action our emotions the MOST important thing is that we bring JOY into our DOING!

  2. Thinking that the Law of Attraction doesn’t work- that’s rejecting a law of the universe which scientifically we are the universe so the question is which part of the universe do you decide to live in- the limited part or the possibility? AND not to mention that if you are rejecting the law of attraction then you are also rejecting your ability to CREATE and to create with the universal power (if you are in this category realize you are missing some element of understanding-this is where I can teach you how to use it effectively)

  3. Not realizing that your life is based off of your internal programs so it doesn’t matter WHAT you do it’s who are you BEING when you do what you do (when you clean up your unconscious programs you change the vibration of your BEING and then your DOING which can have a quantum effective of growth and success!

  4. Being unaware of your behaviours can also get in the way of what you attract. Be mindful of the behaviours you DO and how you are feeling/emotion when you are doing them. Catch yourself being in the sabotaging ones and start to be mindful of shifting them.

I REALLY hope this is helpful to you and you realize there is SO much possibility for you! Also realize it is so important for you to be kind to yourself, to be patient and to anchor what is working and what you are doing right and what successes, even small ones, that you are having. If you only anchor negativity to being an entrepreneur you will struggle and your confidence will decrease.

You are AMAZING and it’s time to start honoring this now!

I always offer a complimentary Illumination and Clarity call to help you get to your next level so let’s chat .Book your call today.