Are you creating from the most important part of yourself?

Every woman on this planet was born to discover her sacred spiritual self and most women are rejecting that wholeness as they evolve from only being human to being sacred in a human body.

And I’m here to share that just as much time as you committed to wiring your ego self that makes you feel like you are not enough, that you can take all that ‘effort’ and redirect it into your spiritual self.

You get to choose HOW you evolve and how quickly through your focus.

Women have been conditioned to believe that they don’t know how to manifest. This is UNTRUE.


I’m going to simplify this for you.

Every thought is energy and your energy is electromagnetic.

What you think, what you say, what you feel is casting out a wave of energy that will ALWAYS come back to you because you are electromagnetic.

Believing you are not enough and telling that story will only co-create it over and over and over.

We as women have become addicted to running a wire in our brain that makes us feel terrible.


It’s a condition, one you were taught to do over and over and through a culture that makes you believe you are never skinny enough, you are never pretty enough or never enough. Talk about one big hypnotic program to make women believe something that is untrue.

From the programming from the media, the tv and movies you watch, it one big program that has been installed like a really terrible move into your brain.

This keeps running and reinforcing the illusions of self and beliefs of ‘un-sacred’ over and over.

You are being told you are NEVER enough by everything outside of you. This is one of the greatest ‘spells’ you were told to believe.

The truth is the inner light you radiate will ALWAYS tell you that you are ENOUGH, MORE than enough! There is zero proving, you have this ability to work with sacred energy that lives in your cells and the fire burns deeply in your belly.

Your conditioning can change. You have the choice to choose and it requires a new place to focus your energy.

The most important thing to realize is that the physical reality you call home is the smallest part of WHO you are. It’s only 0.4% of your truth. The other 96% of WHO you are is the Sacred Universe. This is the part of you that is ALL around you and inside of your cells that you can’t necessarily see or touch and yet you have this ability to go tell it what to do because it can hold energy as all energy is electromagnetic.

So when are you going to tell yourself that you have had ENOUGH of the illusions of never being enough? I hope you say, CYNTHIA NOW!

The very first step to co-create anything is to DECIDE to commit to this process fully and completely that your sacred self MATTERS and is the MOST important part of WHO you are (the decision creates a boundary that holds all the energy you put into it and can create a force of magnetism for what you desire like you’ve never seen before).

To learn more about how to use this energy to co-create more of what you actually want in your life, book a call with Cynthia below.