My Journey Understanding Time Line Therapy and its connection to Law of Attraction and Feminine Magnetism

I’ve been blessed to understand the true magic of this tool, Time Line Therapy, that I discovered almost a decade ago. I released a trauma in 72 hours and also signed up to get trained in these tools that opened and expanded my life in ways I’d never have thought would have happened.

I used to joke to my family that one day I’d have a business. It was no joke! lol.

This tool helped me let go of some of the greatest limitations that I ever put into my brain. I made big decisions that I knew were aligned with my soul’s calling even though I didn’t quite know how things would unravel.

Only now can I see what else it really did from a soul level perspective and if you have ever used this tool with me then let me share to deepen your knowledge. If this is new to you then let me help you get CURIOUS!

If I can guide someone to clear their anger, sadness, fear, hurt, rage and shame from the part of their brain that makes us focus on things that we create reality from, that’s pretty important. When clients come to me and get tuned up in vibrational frequency through this tool they are really helping themselves CHOOSE a higher vibrational emotion to co-create from.

What we focus on will grow. This is the Law of Attraction. That also means if you left sessions and kept focusing on old stuff that made you angry you would keep creating from that emotion and more of that shows up. The Law of Attraction always works and so does Time Line Therapy. I’ve used time line therapy for 7 years almost monthly. I’ve peeled A LOT of layers! I also am an old soul.

The Spiritual energy has risen to epic proportions, time is moving faster and those who are on the path are being called to learn soul lessons more quickly to awaken your soul abundance codes and reach higher frequencies to attract in soul mates, deep wisdom and new time lines where you help heal others in a more profound way.

How do you know it’s time for a TLT session?

You are stuck in the emotions of anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, rage and shame, rejection and so many others. You keep recreating the same patterns with different people. Time Line Therapy led me to open my wisdom channel for deep feminine soul retrieval.

WE are cocreators of our reality which means if you are still focusing in on those emotions , co-creating the same type of experiences over and over then there is an integration that you are calling in.

What is my life like now, 7 years after starting with the tool?






I’m also in more erotic states of pleasure than ever before

I’ve also decided to move and travel and let the universe guide me to where my soul is asking me to be. I’m currently using my feminine to call in my Divine Masculine.

I’ve come into one of the deepest states of union with my feminine essence and I realize this is a VERY different type of trust then living from just a 3D realm of push/hustle thinking that the more I push the more I get. That’s the deepest mystery to be discovered by women.

My soul purpose has evolved as I’ve evolved. I’m here to help women unplug the pain and to help them unplug from living in a VERY over-masculinized way, coming back into harmony with their feminine energy of RECEIVING!

So how did I get here?

I realized that it is a PROCESS and JOURNEY that requires a lot of courage and self-compassion!

You shed the layers you decide to shed (this is where we have free will to grow or stop growing and seriously no judgement as you get to choose your own adventure) and as I let go of my ego that kept me stuck, I opened my wisdom channel and intuitive ability in ways I never thought were possible.

I came back into my body and stopped fighting with my masculine energy to push and ‘PROVE’ myself.

I remember a coach telling me to stop trying to prove myself and now can I only see that it came from a very deep wound that I had that had me never stopping and taking care of myself. I wanted to be seen and loved by my mother.

Welcome to my “Mother” Archetype wound, that had me shut down from the truth of my divine feminine. My mother was a mystic in hiding and funny how I found HER t-shirt that had a picture of a black sheep amongst all the white sheep. She wasn’t ready to find her feminine receiving power. This is where my path gets to be different and I get to teach this to other women and that makes my heart sing!

Running a business put me into my masculine in epic proportions especially after my mom passed away. I hit epic levels of burnout and exhaustion and finally hit the surrender button.

I had a moment with God and Goddess. I prayed to better understand this because it never felt right to be in this push energy.

After my mom passed I also had epic levels of panic attacks and anxiety and could not figure out why I was feeling this with all my tools that I was using regularly. That’s when God talked to me and said:

“We are going to make this so LOUD for you until you TRUST that we are here.” Ironically that was the day my brakes failed on my car that kept me home (can you see the metaphor of SLLLLLOOOOOWWWING down to receive the truest source of being ‘safe’..your god self) ?!

Within the moment of surrender my anxiety VANISHED!! I never had another panic attack again. Welcome to the life of a mystic who who seeks her truth.

What I realized in that moment is that the only reason we feel fear is because we are disconnected from our divine feminine , our spiritual soul self. We are on the journey to return back to her. This is truly coming home.

I received downloads of wisdom about my divine feminine energy body and magnetism and this is where life started to CHANGE in big ways.

I started to understand and work with my magnetism. I do much less and attract so much more. I’ve gone through one of the greatest divine feminine integrations, that I’ve moved into full body orgasms, states of euphoria, feeling SO connected that I’m not really afraid of anything (I’ve expanded into my deep divine feminine soul codes and I’m now at peace in the ‘not knowing’). Welcome to another feminine mystery (we can call these initiations).

I believe that this deeply connected energy and magnetism is already inside every woman AND I also know that many women are stuck in the push and hustle of creating without it. I’m sharing this with you to help you dive more DEEPLY into your truth.

This is how my purpose has changed as I went more deeply into myself. While this might seem impossible to your ego, I’m here to tell you that if you need a clearing, keep clearing. Avoid staying stagnant and stuck. There is so much wisdom for you to learn and most spiritual women are stuck struggling in the Embodiment of this energy.

I know I was there and now I’ve stepping into this deep deep soul embodiment (your business will never look the same way when it comes to HOW you do things). I tell my clients it feels like I’m living in the liquid of the universe letting my feminine embodiment guide me through life instead of my head/ego telling me what to do.

If you are ready to expand into more of your feminine essence and Radiance and Magnetism I’m here to help.

I’ve grown as a teacher in so many ways and wanted to share this with you hoping that you will give yourself more permission to surrender to your feminine, take the breaks off your masculine over drive, and to realize the journey never really ends.

WE can be more present in our now moment and co-create anything with our feminine. And, we can also push , hustle and force and forget we have this energy available to us.

They are different ways to create and produce VERY different results in your mind, body, spirit and abundance!

Many spiritual women no longer fit in the over-masculinized way of “doing” business which is why things stop working.

The Feminine BREAKS things down. Trust me I know this and sometimes when we ignore it, this force of energy will take things down for you, making life LOUD until you wake up and notice. You can decide to lean into the Tower moment in your life or you can let this energy Tower it for you. May the force be with you ;p

Wishing every woman (and maybe there are men) reading this the greatest opportunity to be in union with your feminine essence and magic. Everyone has both.

It’s yours.

To your journey back to your feminine,

