How your Brain's 'Minds' Create your Life and Why the Law of Attraction isn't working

I’ve often wondered why we were never taught about how our brain creates our life in school. If we had learned this life would be SO much easier for us during our childhood and into our adult years.

This is a bit of a long article and everything is so important for your understanding. Once you know how your brain works, then you know why the law of attraction isn’t working. They are connected!

Understanding your Brain functions

We live in a VERY small percentage of our brain. This means that we are missing out on the possibility of our ‘super brain’. If you’ve ever read about people having miraculous healings, synchronicities of connecting to certain people they were thinking about , saying they met an angel or God talked to them or manifesting BIG amounts of $ from unsuspected sources, that’s all connected to your SUPER brain. DO I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION ;p ??

Let me introduce you to your 2 minds.

I’m going to start with the left side of your brain, referred to as the CONSCIOUS mind.

It is your : 

  • Logical brain

  • Thinking brain

  • It’s also the brain that is connected to overthinking and overanalyzing

  • It’s a very ‘limited’ brain in the sense that it can keep you out of possibility because you give logic and reasoning to everything

  • If you work in finance, analyzing numbers or in a very ‘digital’ profession then realize you live dominantly in this part of your brain

  • If you are also accustomed to using this brain then you may struggle to use the other part of your brain, your feminine creative unconscious mind

Now let’s get to the other part of your brain, your UNCONSCIOUS mind, the part of your brain that actually connects to your ‘super’ powered brain..this is good stuff. Meet your UNCONSCIOUS mind

  • It’s the right side of your brain

  • It’s your feeling brain

  • It’s also where every single event of your LIFE is stored (imagine pulling out a filing cabinet and experiencing millions of events you have experienced in your life being stored as they truly are)

  • It’s called ‘unconscious’ because you don’t consciously know what’s in it (most of us on this spiritual growth path are only realizing that we are starting to open up to it again) AND most importantly whatever is in it is driving ALL of your behaviour, or lack of behaviour and RESULTS! This is why I always tell women to stop buying programs until you do the deep work with yourself because that is the MOST important driver for your business

  • If you have been working with quieting your conscious mind through meditation then you might have had experiences of receiving images from childhood that are ready to be resolved

  • Your unconscious will bring things up for resolution, so old stored memories can come up from that filing cabinet where you get to experience learning which helps you grow through it (especially if the event was quite challenging)

  • The other really important thing to understand is that your connection to your higher wisdom is accessed through your unconscious mind, and many of us will attempt to meditate hoping to get to that higher wisdom and please know it is helpful AND realize that if you have a lot of ineffective programming then you are going to have to get through that FIRST to get your higher wisdom (which is why they say you need to mediate for 30 years to be a MASTER), so when we clear at the unconscious you get to be the master SO much faster and you open up the door to more wisdom

    So how do we program it?

  • We program it based on our childhood experiences and then we go through different socialization periods where we take in more ‘programs’ from the people around us (this is why we can say that everyone is doing the best they can because every person is running their childhood programs as adults and yes some are super ineffective)

  • We create labels of good or bad- really there is nothing wrong with the person, it’s the behaviour that is the problem (which occurs from an unconscious experience) AND realize that they may have NO clue they are being hurtful or rude or annoying (however you want to label it) because ALL of our behaviour is UNCONSCIOUS

  • Whatever happened to you in your past, if you still feel the emotions from it, then realize this AND THIS IS SO IMPORTANT, that you are running that thread of ‘experience and emotions’ through your entire life which then shows up as a BLOCK

  • It’s how we unconsciously program things like we aren’t enough, or we have to be DOING to be effective, or it’s bad to speak up or you have to be perfect..I think you understand what I’m getting at, because somewhere we ‘decided’ that belief based on an experience

I remember being about 10 years old and setting the table for my Oma and I broke a china cup. I remember being SO proud to ‘do’ that thing (for validation and to be loved) and when I broke the cup I remember the ‘peril’ that I chose to feel (because I had a belief running that I was only good enough when things were PERFECT) . That memory resurfaced as I started to go DEEP into my unconscious and I also realized that I decided failing from doing new things was HORRIBLE and it was better to just not ‘do’ them (because I might make mistakes) so now as an adult as I’ve grown and expanded my life I had to clear all this to get to entrepreneurship.

Those beliefs also shaped my entire personality! People don’t recognize me today as I grew up being SO quiet, never speaking up, being shy, doubting myself, afraid to be in the spotlight, I was hiding from using my voice. Can you image how that old belief was blocking me from my GREATEST life work???!!!!

Do I have you curious what’s running in your unconscious mind?

My life changed over night and I feel so BLESSED that I was able to discover these hypnotic unconscious tools as I was able to resolve the past and in such a short period of time. Releasing a past trauma and ALL the anger and hate I had attached to it (which kept me not believing in myself and stuck in hiding), and in only 72 hours.

When we clear it from WHERE IT LIVES then YES we get a fast result.

I’m blessed to say I hit neutrality about the past. I understand human behaviour so much and I feel neutral so that also allows me to choose a NEW response to challenges. I have integrated TONS of learning on why I attracted these things I would have labelled as big traumas and I labelled as SO unfair and have evolved to the point that I now see everything as a spiritual journey of growth and healing. Please realize that any type of trauma is not to be discounted (it is inappropriate), it’s just we get to let go of it and that is our choice which is what FREES us.

The best advice a healer gave to me was this, “Cynthia we don’t Forgive for others, we forgive for OURSELVES.”

So let me help you understand your life and how you created your biggest problem.

I want you to imagine your greatest problem right now. Step into it, feel it, see it and hear it.

  • Your unconscious mind is ‘perceiving’ it as a problem because you have programmed it as a problem- we ‘label’ things as problems and we attach a problem emotion to it (anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, shame, etc.)

  • Every time you experience something in your life that triggers this problem, your unconscious mind is running that ‘response’ strategy which is what keeps you stuck and in the emotion that you are running

  • Until you let the emotion/the beliefs go from your unconscious mind, where it is ‘stored’ you will continue to run that response behaviour even if it is hurtful to you, the people around you and keeping your life STUCK

  • This is frustrating and I meet lots of people who tell me that they have been working on their problem for EVER AND please realize that if you don’t get to the root of the problem, which lives in your unconscious, then it still shows up in your life

One of the greatest ‘walls’ people hit in trying to heal themselves is that they work with conscious thought. No wonder you only get a dismal shift because your memories with attached emotions and limiting beliefs live in a whole other part of your brain.

If you approach your ‘problems’ from your CONSCIOUS mind, thinking you can analyze it to a solution, and it still doesn’t go away, that’s because you are in the wrong part of your brain. You are doing the work in the wrong part of your brain. AND the only way to bypass and get into your unconscious mind is through hypnotic tools.

WHY is this?

Your brain has something called a ‘Critical Faculty’ and in that is all your conscious logic and reasoning and until you relax and get into a state of ‘trance’, which really is a deep deep state of relaxation which you can then use hypnotic tools effectively, to allow you to go deeper into relaxation, which then you an bypass your critical faculty.

So what happens when I work with people? Let me describe my process:

  • I am the tour guide helping you connect to your unconscious, and it’s important to understand that if you’ve never worked with this part of your brain before you will be WILDLY excited by how FAST things change

  • You get the best results when you surrender from wanting to ‘control’ as that control is from the conscious part of you

  • FAST change is possible because you are literally going into the brain wiring where it lives.

If you keep trying to ‘heal’ yourself from your conscious mind, you have very small change as you are only clearing the presenting challenges on the surface. You can spin yourself out in HUGE frustration and I know because that was me for DECADES!

While this is a long article this one is SO important.

Realize when you clear up the ‘unconscious clutter’ you then are clear, an open channel whereby you get to put in better programming, and the clearing makes it SO much easier to focus on what you want, to feel good and to amplify your desires

AND you attract more of what you want!

This is why when you clear the unconscious, the Law of Attraction starts to work!!!

SO SO SO Important for you to realize this.

AND another really incredible thing happens if you choose it, you also start to build the relationship with your higher wisdom.

The only way to access your higher wisdom is through your unconscious mind. It doesn’t connect to your conscious mind, which is why we can’t receive the same amount of wisdom. This is also why when you meditate you have to mediate for a long time to open up the access to your higher wisdom to receive more. Meditation is GREAT for getting out of your CHATTER which keeps you stuck.

If you struggle to trust yourself then realize once you start to clean up the clutter, and build new behaviours to trust yourself (I teach my clients this) then realize that you are accessing more of that super power energy that creates miracles, synchronicities and that’s pretty AWESOME!

If you are still reading this and I have peaked your curiosity reach out and book a complimentary Illumination and Clarity call.

You are in the drivers seat so pick a new path. Big love to you all.

