Spiritual and Mindset Tools that Helped me Navigate the Toughest Year of my Life

For anyone who reads this article I hope you will remember that you have the POWER to create your life as you want it and use your wisdom to get through the toughest moments. Your greatest challenges are your most expansive opportunities for wisdom. I am holding the space of possibility for you.

2021 was my year of the great mindset upgrade. It was a critical point in my life as I had left a relationship, lost 2 of my pets and then lost my mom to cancer and then felt so isolated by the pandemic so holy smokes did I give myself a big TUNE UP!

What did I do? I used my tools. I reprogrammed my mind. I had to or how could I give myself healing and hold space for anyone else? This was my fulltime work so there became the opportunity to expand my hope, faith and feminine spirit.

Now a side note, I also gave myself LOTS of space to feel through my emotions. It was critical for healing. I cried and cried a lot. I also realized that feeling joy at the same time was important or I’d end up in depression. It was my dark night of my soul and only to be filled with more light.

What will I consume in my day? Fear or hope? It was a choice what to ‘feed’ my mind.

Once you decide, it’s an intention and that intention is the one that has the power to shift your energy field, your life, your fortune, your health and your everything!

 And yet, as time went on and I continued to adjust and focus , magic happened. My reality became more love, more joy and more success. Time does heal. You can’t skip a grieving process.

Whenever we are in a time of our life that we just don’t like and we struggle big time realize the simple truths that can change your life (this gives you more choice).

Your life is built through your internal filters. DECIDE to change them. If you don’t like the life you have realize this:

  1. Your life is being run through your unconscious programs that are currently creating a result you don’t like

  2. Once you clear the programs that are ineffective it allows you to put in a new belief, new behaviour that creates the life you WANT!

  3. You then get to action your success faster

  4. You also get to tell yourself a new story, one that supports where you want to GROW

  5. It’s SO much easier to focus on what you want if you clear the unconscious stories that keep you STUCK in a really ineffective focus (keeps you in LACK programming, in your “I can’t do it ‘ story, in ‘My love will never come story’ and in SO many more blocks that are holding your life back)

  6. We all have the choice to choose a different response

  7. We will never control what’s around us. I hope you have learned that and what you can control is your response

  8. Fear is an ineffective response

  9. HOPE is a GREAT response

  10. JOY is also a great response

What story are you telling yourself now?


CHOOSE to create the life you want. The most important thing you have is your belief in what’s possible. If I got to the other side I KNOW you can too!

The only reason you haven’t changed it the way you want it to be ( yet)  is because you ‘think’ you can’t or you didn’t even know you could!

What we focus on will grow! We are magnetic energetic beings and this matters. Your focus matters!

Realize that your over ‘thinking’ mind (your logical mind which truly is limited) is holding you back from the life you actually desire (tapping into the right side of your brain to put in new thoughts that are expansive also allow you to tap into your higher wisdom channel). The right side of your brain is what connects you to the magic in your life.

People don’t realize that we are unable to get to magic through logic. They just don’t go together. Your intuition is there for a very good reason. Many of us never use it. Then we take a harder path.

Why you ask? Because you shut down your connection to your higher self. It’s only your feeling mind that can connect to your wisdom. If you are overthinking you are over ‘shutting down’ the magic waiting for you.

The fastest way to connect to more of your higher wisdom is to clear out the unconscious clutter. This is what happened to me as I used the tools I work with and also every one of my clients.

When you clear out your suppressed anger you make space. That matters and that changes your focus!


So what’s really holding you back?


The only reason your life isn’t where you want it to be is that your ‘perception’ of hard is something that only you are holding on to giving it power, enough power to stop you from speaking up, asking for what you need and loving yourself less than what you deep down know you deserve.

Deciding life has to be hard is a choice of ‘focus’ and your focus creates your reality! This is the Law of Attraction at play.


What if we chose a new word for ‘hard’ and said OMG I’m SUPER EXPANDING MY WISDOM ;p That really is what happens when you get to the other side and look back.


Hard is simply your perception of the unknown. It’s really an illusion. How would you know it’s hard if you’ve never done it before?


A quest for you if you choose it:

  1.  Take 10 minutes and pull apart what ‘hard’ really is for you

  2.  What wisdom is wanting to come in? What do you get to learn about yourself?

I definitely leaned into things that felt ‘hard’ ,realizing now that was just a label I called it and it was expansion and learning and the greatest change points and led me to the best new path.


Your brain is designed to give you the ‘alert’ of what it perceives as danger when you do something ‘new’. Realize this ‘hard’ is perceived in ‘new’ . That’s the truth. This is also why we unconsciously back away and avoid doing things. This is why when you work with someone to support you and hold you to your dreams you are 95% more likely to achieve them!


So for those of you who are ‘waiting’ for things  to ‘feel’ right so you can then go do that thing and take that leap, realize that’s the actual illusion that is holding you back from your greatness. You can decide to change your life now. It will never ‘feel’ right. How can it when your brain was designed to ‘protect’ you and that keeps you in the ‘not’ doing?

 If you know vibrational frequency, (we hold a frequency for certain emotions we feel/actions attached to those), and realize that in the ‘hard’ or the unknown is an opportunity for you to reach a higher vibrational frequency, one that requires you to elevate your thoughts, beliefs and actions to hold it in place.

WE do life backwards. Let’s start with #1: FEEL how you want to feel, then go DO what makes you feel in that feeling vibration (joy, passion, love). When we line up in that emotion we are magnetically pulling it to us! Our emotions are electromagnetic! That’s important to know.

AND it is a ‘new’ frequency which means new= discomfort.


A few questions to consider:


  • Who are you NOW? Are you repeating the SAME patterns over and over and can’t figure out how to change your life? (this is a sign there is an unconscious belief in your filters running your pattern, that locks you into the same focus that doesn’t support what you want life to be)


  • Why do you do what you do? Look at the things that hold you back – like telling yourself ‘it’s too hard’ and see how that amplifies MORE hard


 Can you focus more on what you want? YES you can-this is a choice and you have MILLIONS of neurotransmitters in your brain so this is the choice that is waiting for you to wire it up!

 If you are ready to create a new focus on your life, awakening, expanding into your next version of life,  

Book a complimentary Illumination and Clarity call and let’s start to change your life now.