Hypnotic Tools and The Law of Attraction

I’m a believer in the Law of Attraction. BIG time.

What I teach people is that our focus determines our behaviour and our behaviour determines our RESULTS.

I’ve seen it work SO well and I’ve also experienced it not working which put me on the path of spiritual growth and learning and REALLY understanding CREATION! For the last few years I’ve been playing with creation, asking to receive more about it and when you ask you do receive. I’ve been led to mentors, teachers and other resources including my own downloads of wisdom that have helped me EXPAND in ways I never dreamed were possible years ago.

The Law of Attraction teaches us to focus on what feels good AND I’ve been taught that you absolutely MUST move the energy. I’m not talking HARD work, I’m just saying you need to get the ball rolling so it knows where to roll! It’s like turning a car on and setting the GPS or just sit in the car and you don’t bother turning on the engine and you just hope it will move.

We create ALL the time. The good stuff and the ‘other’ stuff. That ‘other’ stuff can sometimes be hard to swallow and we might get caught in wanting to blame others, like our family, our bosses and friends, when really we created it. ALL of it and for a good reason (if this is a struggle then know that if I was able to see and understand the deeper meaning in the traumas I experienced in my life then you can too).

So how do Hypnotic tools and the Law of Attraction work together?

The Law of Attraction is simply put, what we focus on grows!

Using hypnotic tools is such an effective way to clean out your internal programming through by-passing something called the critical faculty, which is where all the logic and reasoning live in a person that really is what keeps them STUCK and STUCK more. When you bypass that super rigid and inflexible critical faculty, you get into your unconscious mind, where all of your brain wiring lives and that means you get to CHANGE it AND the most important thing is this:

The ROOT of all of your problems LIVES in the unconscious Mind!!! THAT’S who you create FAST and super positive changes in your life!

Hypnotic tools are a great way to reprogram the brain. I LOVE to use Hypnosis, Time Line Therapy and other techniques such as NLP and Wholeness work.

New thoughts create new behaviours.

So how does this impact the Law of Attraction?

Your focus is now more easily aligned with what you want instead of before when your brain was focusing on all your problems and what was going wrong (most people can’t stop themselves because they lack the awareness to stop)

I call this being at effect of your life- where you live on a playing field of life happenign to you.

When you TRULY honor being the creator, you evolve and recogize that you create all the time so that really matters where your focus is. If you can’t focus on what you want then how can you create it?

If you focus on feeling BAD or guilty or frustrated you are amplifying negative emotions .

Your dreams live on a higher vibration and that is SO important!!!

So when you let go of the past, you clean out the filters that used to STOP you from attracting what you want. You then can start to focus on what makes you feel good! That is a FASTER way to attract it.

Send me a message and tell me what you learned. I hope LOTS!

If you are ready to let go of those old negative emotions attached to really ineffective programs that create your life from the lense of being what you don’t want, :( that’s a sad face on purpose, then book an Illumination and Clarity call today!. If you’ve been working with your conscious mind thinking you can think your programs into abundance that’s why it’s not working. They just don’t live there. Can’t wait to help you soon!