If your unconscious values drive ALL of your Behaviour and $ and Time...what's hiding in yours? Your unconscious values may startle you!

I know what it’s like to search and when it feels like forever to figure out what’s going wrong. It’s what led me to get trained in the tools that I use today in my business to support amazing women just like you.

I want you to understand the most important ‘human’ part of you and that’s the feminine brain, the unconscious mind which is responsible for your entire life (it’s projecting your internal movie into your physical world).

Here’s a few things that are important:

  • It’s your creativity

  • It’s your feeling brain

  • It’s where your unconscious values, beliefs, traumas and any BLOCK (which shows up in your physical reality) exists

  • It is where the root of all of your problems live and when you pull the root everything changes

  • This also means that when you work with tools that can actually get you into that ‘compartment’ of your brain that holds the root of ALL your problems then you can have a MASSIVE shift in a short period of time.

    This is what happened to me ( I let go of trauma fully in 72 hours) and changed my life in a HUGE way in an 8 hour process when I was training. It was the most extraordinary experience I’ve ever had and was so important for me to share with other women, so it was what gave me the courage to leave my full time job and and now run my business full time.

  • Your unconscious mind is also your imagination so if we do work together you will notice that there is ZERO thinking involved, just a whole lot of relaxation :)

    So what can change?

  • I’ve watched women’s personalities completely change. It is incredible how much can change when you work with the root of where all of your problems lives. It’s why these tools are used by the military to help with trauma.

    Let me share my shift as it was extreme and fast. I went from shy to being seen, no longer afraid to use my voice, I set boundaries, I asked for my needs to be met, I felt powerful and strong and continue to peel away my ‘onion’ to greater spiritual alignment and success.

  • I’ve watched my clients leave jobs because they finally had the courage to pursue their dreams, change careers, start businesses, pivot their business, attract love, get engaged and also build SO much confidence.

    When you have lived your entire life with a root belief that you are not enough, and then you work intensely with me to let it go, your entire life WILL change in a BIG way

Realize that whatever your unconscious values currently are ( I have a very specific way to discover them) it’s where you spend all your time, $ and energy. I’ll explain this more so you really understand because it’s SO important for your business and life and ultimate fulfillment!

So realize this REALLY important thing. If you are MISSING really important elements in your values, so for example PASSION or MONEY in your Business values, then that is going to show up in many ways that you probably won’t find desirable.

Do I have you curious? How might it show up?

This might show up in your business as it feeling flat, no fun, it’s boring or you see yourself stuck and things might just not be working out.

Now how will it show up around money??

If you have NONE of your energy going into being congruent and aligned with money, then your unconscious mind will struggle to go FIND the money!

So money could literally be in front of you in an opportunity and you just need to grab it and your brain would not even see it as an opportunity. You might also have beliefs that you feel like you aren’t enough or you just can’t see yourself being successful at this ‘new’ thing and so you run away from anything NEW, finding yourself doing all the comfortable work, or run from new opportunities.

The most important thing you must understand is that your entire life is being projected and ‘played out’ by you, through whatever is in your programming (and it is limited in scope as you really truly can only do what you have within your programs telling you to do or go be who you tell yourself to be). Depending on what is running your behaviour that can appear as a challenge.

This is why we can say that we really are doing the best that we can do because you are simply running your behaviour and it’s all unconscious so YOU will miss what is really the problem because you can’t see it because it’s unconscious. We need awareness first to change anything.

If you are afraid to make mistakes then realize you also will unconsciously avoid taking risk to make one.

Does this make sense to you? Can you see the interconnectedness in your life? Realize that everyone I meet has something that they’d like to change. AND it is possible!

I will share my life was ‘messy’ when I started this journey and I can’t even imagine what my life would be like if I wasn’t clearing it up with tools that actually allow it to be taken out of the ‘hiding’ place in my brain.

I used conscious tools for years and when I was ready for a BIG change I attracted these tools. I always believe we get what we are ready for.

Like I said my life was MESSY! I had so many negative beliefs about having wealth and I brought in the guilt that I had as a kid as I watched my parents spend all their money on me and my sister and then watch my mom complain about it.

How do you think that made me feel? GUILTY. So how did I program my mind to allow in money- not well until I changed it!

When I do a values alignment with an entrepreneur they move SO much of their energy ,from STUCK into WHERE THEY WANT IT TO GO! New opportunities show up for them AND their brain starts to notice life differently because now it’s aligned with money, or with opportunities or being ok to take risk because it now sees mistakes as learning.

The last thing you need to understand about your brain is that your unconscious mind will ALWAYS do what it is told to do (this will never change because it’s designed to keep you safe), which means that if you have programmed inside it, that money is bad (I see this one all the time) or that it’s not ok to be powerful, then your brain will keep you away from it, holding you back when in reality you actually want nothing more than to have a successful business, with lots of clients and $ and use your power and feel AWESOME.

This is the power of our unconscious.

NOW when it’s aligned can you imagine how your life would actually be different?!

More $, More Clients, More opportunities , More JOY, More LOVE and MORE FUN!

I’ve watched so many women invest SO much money in programs that teach you new systems and they never get to the root of their blocks and so their business doesn’t expand the way they’d like it to and that’s because they are still holding on to the root of their problems, in their unconscious.

If you don’t clear what’s actually impacting you and your success then it doesn’t matter if you put another strategy in because you still have the same ‘lack or not enough’ programming running in your internal filters.

One final EXCITING thing is to realize that when you ‘clear’ the block out, your manifestations happen FASTER.

I teach about the law of attraction and I will tell you that when you clear out the clutter, your focus is amplified because you no longer are living your life through the past (that’s what’s in your unconscious filters), so it’s SO much easier to focus on what you want and take the action to start moving the energy.

I believe in my clients’ results so much that I will guarantee you a shift if you are willing to go ALL in and commit to the work and do the work (exercises are assigned to my clients inbetween appointments). There is simply no way you cannot have a shift if you are ready for change and open to letting me by your tour guide and support you.

I hope you have had some major AH- HA’s in this article. Please share it with friends if they are struggling too.

If you are ready to start attracting more clients, $ and get back more time, then take that leap and change your life by reaching out to me today. Book a complimentary Illumination and Clarity call.

Book your call today. See you soon!