How we Sabotage our Business~ Are you telling yourself you just can't do it?

We might not have intentions to make things NOT work and yet things are stuck and they are not working. I want to share what I’ve observed in female entrepreneurs who have so much heart and soul struggle with and don’t realize it. And I see SO much possibility in them! Can you see it in yourself when you feel stuck?

This is so important to realize- ALL of your behaviour is unconscious.

Here’s what I’ve seen and hopefully it will awaken and unwind something within you:

  1. Avoiding numbers so you never know where you are at (your UM can’t go find you the amount of $ you need because it doesn’t know how much it needs). I realized that I had struggled to be organized and it was a great way to not attract money.

    I had to come to terms that if I didn’t take responsibility then who would?! The very COOL thing is that when you know how much you need to make in a month, in a week, in a day, then your unconscious mind can see it in measurable terms and actually go attract it (if you only see ‘I have to earn $5K instead of I need to earn $300 today. That’s SO different. This frame around $ was SO helpful to me and helped me have my first $20K month).

  2. Being afraid to be seen publicly- when we’ve struggled with intimacy challenges or traumas they can show up in a new way in business (check in- can you go live, can you be seen on zoom during your zoom calls, do you feel confident to be seen). Most of us have some type of connection challenge.

  3. Perfection- we expect perfection and that’s unreasonable. I see so many entrepreneurs give up before they even gave them a chance to be successful because they are too hard on themselves and just walk away.

    What’s missing?

    A Recovery Strategy so when you fall down you pick yourself back up (this is where I can help you install this so you avoid this and can be successful and keep going)

Believing in yourself starts in your wiring. Change your wiring and change your programming and your behaviours. YOU CAN DO IT!

Ready to start REALLY believing in yourself? Reach out to me today and let’s chat. I an share some amazing success stories of how women who were just like where you are at overcame their own big challenges.