The Unconscious Meaning in your Wardrobe- Some Strategies..Part 2

In part 1 you learned about how you bring, unconscious archetype patterns, into your wardrobe and that impacts what you are projecting into your world.

Now that you have this awareness, how can you use this to build a more Power-FULL life?

Decide to consciously become SUPER aware of what you put on. Let’s remember that Awareness is always step 1!

If you don’t currently talk to your unconscious mind start now! It’s listening and you are giving it suggestions all day long through your thoughts along with any thing you hear from friends, family and in the media..

Remember, it only take hearing something 3 times to become installed! Start the conversation and ask it to make you more aware and to ask yourself for greater awareness when you get dressed.

It is about your intention behind what you do. Intention is powerful because it shapes your FOCUS! And your FOCUS determines your BEHAVIOUR. And your BEHAVIOUR determines your RESULTS!

That matters and YOU MATTER! Let’s look at an example. What is that objective you are looking to achieve?  Let’s say you have a big presentation to do or have a really important conversation planned with someone in your personal life and you need to assert your power. What you wear (anchor yourself to) will help you be Power-FULL or can Sabotage you.

Here are 3 Important Strategies for Power-FULL: Accessing and Using Colour Theory

  • Darker colours are perceived at the unconscious level as powerful and authoritative so choose wisely

  • Lighter colours are more calming, neutral so to amp up the power choose darker shades

Structure Vs. Flow

  • Wear structured clothing (think hard lines in a crisp white shirt and fitted) as there is an unconscious  association of being taken as the authority and taken seriously

  • Now if you needed to have a tough conversation and you wanted to appear as approachable (let’s say giving feedback to your staff) then wear clothing that has some flow to it (think fitted pants and flowing suit jacket)

Accessories Matter

  • Do you have a piece of jewelry that is significant to you? Was it a family heirloom that brings big JOY or you a power-piece and you feel awesome wearing it? Pick a piece of jewelry that is anchored to positivity, beauty and POWER! This WILL impact you and direct your energy in a specific way.  And pay special attention to your handbag, shoes and other accessories. We unconsciously anchor things ALL the time!

Congratulations on creating new awareness and remember to start the conversation with your unconscious mind! Use your intention to bring in more POWER! Cheers to living empowered!

If you are ready to start living more awakened so you can Emerge and Impact and even create that book or program you wish you had the confidence to make it happen , then book an Illumination and Clarity call with me today.