Understanding your Divine Feminine Energy- Part 1

Let’s start at the very beginning , a place where there was no time and nothing was linear….the space of the unseen, the liminal, the spiritual consciousness realm…

You came from a soul who with your spirit and divine feminine essence decided what your journey could be , the three dimensional physical reality ‘stuff’ you came to experience and the opportunities along your journey to evolve spiritually, realizing you are governed through the law of free will.

You chose your parents, your friends, lovers, spouses, family and others became soul contracted with the intention to evolve you back into your magic and deep SPIRIT- SOUL connection…the ultimate as a state of enlightenment.

They became your spiritual mirrors for your greatest expansion. Can you see the truth within these relationships or do you struggle to forgive and blame others around you?

I know how hard it can feel in that moment when we want to be right and control the outcome..yet that’s interfering with the big divine plan that we signed up for.

The largest part of who you are and your universe is, is the realm of the unseen, divine consciousness and energy that you get to program all day every day to get you what you desire.

Science even proved the realm of the unseen is 96% of your universe, yet only 0.04% is your physical 3Dimensional life…yet we give SO much focus and attention to what’s happening around us in this physical realm.

Be honest with yourself. What does your spiritual devotion practice look like? If there is nothing start turning within.

We are triggered, pulled into drama, try to push harder to make things work, yet many of us are asking for greater abundance and your highest timeline. Do you really realize what you are asking for? Spiritual Enlightenment…and this comes with the force of your divine will guiding you to the ignition, which also puts you into a deep death cycle (this was my life the last two years) and from that death cycle (which we can fight and makes life VERY hard), you shed your self-will, your ego desires, attachments and addictions.

After, you begin to receive the reforming and from someone who has gone through this dark night of the soul and a rather double decker of one, stillness is required….like A TON of it and patience.

A woman’s spiritual path starts in 3 Dimensions where she gains a lot of spiritual knowledge (it becomes like an academic course) …yet this is the limited version of spirituality.

The next step is Purification, the true awakening, becoming the ‘virgin’ purity of your soul’s essence, thereby becoming your I AM, igniting the holy fire within, becoming the vessel of deep divine magnetism where you start to purify to the point that you manifest in the smallest amount of time and even Instantly.

It’s the path of activating your five higher bodies where you start to receive great wisdom downloads and even become illuminated like the Saints did. How did you get your coat of light? You pierced the 3 D lower veils that have kept you stuck in only 3 Dimensions, which could never give you access to the realms of higher consciousness and magnetism.

So what is waiting? The greatest love you have ever experienced, divine love and the greatest abundance you have every wished for, aligned with your soul purpose and higher states of consciousness reflected in your relationships.

So maybe you are asking yourself..HOW DO I GET THAT????

It’s time to go find Part 2 of Understanding your Divine Feminine Energy ;p