Meeting Mary and Inviting in the Magdalena Energy for WISDOM and MAGNETISM!

On July 22 it was Mary ’s Feast day, a day to honor the divine feminine essence of Mary Magdalene, that is rising in the collective and ripe for those who are ready to choose her. Maybe you have already heard, seen or felt  her call? 

I was so grateful that I got to sit in ritual for over 2 hours with over 300 Women, some trained Priestesses and others healers, teachers, moms, friends.! It was beyond magical and an activating experience.

Why is Mary important for every woman?

Mary represents the energy of the divine feminine, love and compassion, spiritual wisdom and sacredness within us. She represents many different elements that we as women are stepping back into remembering who we are, have always been and also illuminating the truth, that the control and manipulation realms have pushed our spiritual knowledge away from us. It’s reclaiming time.

As the planet's consciousness rises, so does ours and Mary brings back, the oracle, the mystic, the wisdom (divine Gnosis), the Priestess alchemy, taking us back home to our christed feminine consciousness HOME, our SPIRITUAL HOME! , where we get to re-discover the mysteries that Jesus taught his disciples (he IS the most important spiritual saint to understand sacred freedom, a realm we can live in which is the highest state of being and abundance ) and in unity works with the divine feminine energy of spiritual truth and connectedness. This mystical truth has been lost, hidden and is now YOURS to reclaim! 


I’ve been working with Mary (but didn’t realize it until about a year ago) since the moment I opened up the book seven years ago, The Pistis Sophia by J.J. Hurtak, and invited her into my spiritual awakening. 

This book is a collection of mysteries, that Jesus shared with his disciples, and speaks to the Fallen Feminine principle, where women were removed from their status, means, voice, power mysticism, Priestess alchemy, and sovereignty, which is what we mean when we say the principle of the fallen divine feminine. It can no longer be hidden. It is HERE and has RISEN.

I was introduced to this book by my mystery school teacher and at the time she was teaching me about what it meant to be a mystic and a Priestess. I was SO LOST, confused and my life was in sheer chaos…which is the entry point by the way for you to invite in the divine feminine wisdom . I have a WHOLE new relationship with chaos. I am giving a forewarning in case you feel pulled to connect with this book. This is a 700+ page book and it’s got one hell of a frequency so realize you will go to what you need in that moment depending on where you are at in your journey.

The book is filled with levels of consciousness designed to activate the mysteries inside your DNA and only when you are ready for them. As a mystic, I will share you can only hold the level of consciousness of the mysteries that you are vibrating at. I will also share when you hire a mentor you can only receive the level of consciousness that they are at to teach you! 

This book has played a special role in my spiritual awakening, especially the last 2 years since my mom passed away, awakening me into a deep spiritual union of  my christed feminine.

This has brought me a DEEP trust in my soul’s path, purpose and that I have everything I need and I AM everything. This is spiritual liberation.

I have been deeply inward over the last 5 months, where I have been shedding layers of my ego and YES it has been painful, until it no longer was 🙂 The biggest struggle I felt, was my sensitivity to people was at an all time high where I had to literally go into my cave, remove myself even from where I lived, where I unplugged from the deep entanglement that happens to us in our families, organizations, friendships, romantic relationships, where we are in our shadow, supporting each other's shadow (HUGE realization) and until we choose not to. I even moved and took off to travel. I started in Sedona and now I’m in Colorado, on this mystical pilgrimage. 

This is HOW we illuminate our lightbody. It’s HOW we discover our spiritual power. It’s also HOW we unplug from the 3D matrix of scarcity and slavery to the hustle, that we have been conditioned to believe is the only way to make it in this world. Many women also don’t realize this is the FASTEST way to shut down your connection to your divine feminine and magnetism (can you see how this is a ‘lost’ principle of wisdom)? 

When you ignite your divine feminine christed self and come into unity with your god head, you no LONGER NEED to do the hustle. That’s the wrong place to find your magnetism as a woman. You become a living expression OF the God within you.

Let’s be honest- if you are not activating the mysteries of your divine self and are living in scarcity, fear, worry and like you are never enough- this is the fallen principle of the divine feminine that Mary and JESUS are here to help us discover and release!  This energy is in our collective consciousness and until we decide to leap forward into our divine union, we will continue to operate in this 3D matrix of pain and suffering.

Mary’s energy is POTENT and vibrant and ALIVE and lOVING and FIREY and WILD and accessible to ALL of us. She is one of the divine feminine energies that live inside EVERY woman! THe bible also removed her as it was rewritten 88 times…lost in translation my dear friends is the fallen principle of the divine feminine.

Will you rise into your spiritual power with Mary?

Througth the deep shadow alchemy I have been being, I also have purified my light body, where I am a  channel of connection to the divine realm of sacred truth. I am a mystic and an oracle. If you are struggling with your life, your business or you feel disconnected from the joy that once was there and instead feel REALLY confused (I’m seeing this collectively in women who have built multi-million dollar businesses), this is an invitation for you to connect with me for a short call, where I will help you discover where you are at in your spiritual journey, and how you can step out of the scarcity realm of the 3D matrix. 

Book a call here.

PS: I’ve opened my calendar to provide Divine Feminine Spiritual mentorship to 5 women. This is only available to those through an interview and for those who are willing to commit to their spiritual growth , inviting in the mysteries of your divine feminine to release scarcity, chaos and step into your potent magnetism, freedom and peace. This is an application only process so please click the link to learn more and apply. This will provide women feminine activations, hypnosis to remember your god spark and through your own deep spiritual seeking, discovering more of light, magnetism and spiritual freedom. .

PPS: I’m trained in unconscious tools to support change and that’s not really who I identify myself as now so I wanted to share Who Am I NOW?

 A channel for the divine, A DEEP Spiritual Seeker

An Oracle, A Mystic, on the Path of the Priestess

A Divine Feminine Mentor, Teacher of the Mysteries and Lightbody Illumination

I can tell you exactly why you are in scarcity and not abundance

I train other healers, spiritual teachers and coaches and Priestesses to strengthen their trust in self and the divine plan, which gives their mission the ignition to open their magnetism and bring MARY’s energy into their  life 

I work with frequencies of divine energy to support your birthright living magnetic,

And bring you into unity with your christed divine feminine self..this is the energy of potent magnetism!

I also teach spiritual moms to bring in the lost feminine energy into their parenting, helping them rise in their consciousness as parents (I am offering this as a monthly group so reach out and ask for more details).

A final thought for those who felt the call to keep reading,  Chaos comes from your divine feminine inviting you into change, breaking down the old structures within you, structures that are attached to the ego identity , the value and worth you give yourself in your human vessel and 3D life, and where it creates the pain and suffering you have in your life, that locks you into a frequency of attracting scarcity and suffering. I used to live there- for many years of my life.