Why do Adult’s Throw Child-Like Temper Tantrums? Welcome to Life School

It doesn’t matter your age, you can just as easily throw that temper tantrum as an adult. Whatever is in your wiring is what is showing up in your personal life and your professional life.


Having managed teams for almost a decade I realized how human it was to have a temper tantrum in the office.

Important things to understand about your brain wiring:

  • People are doing the best they can with the resources they have.

  • Their strategies of behaviour are literally happening at the unconscious level.

    It’s like hitting ‘Play’ when you wake up in the morning.

  • Let’s avoid changing people and instead change the behaviour.

  • Your movie is played and unless you consciously recognize that parts of your movie aren’t working for you then you will continue to repeat it over and over and over. Yikes!

  • Underneath ‘presenting problems’ that show up in your life, like not getting along with colleagues, arguments with friends, blow-ups with spouses, these patterns are like weeds in our garden. They are being fertilized by a root. I call this a root-problem. You can give your presenting problems band-aid solutions or you can pull the root.

SO what happens when you pull the root?

  • Behaviours change leading to more wholeness and choice and you might not even realize it because it is at the unconscious level.

  • Suddenly your kids are nice to you, you fight less with your spouse and people can’t quite put their finger on what is different about you.

  • You are neutral about things that used to tick you off which now means you have more behavioural flexibility and that is Freedom!

  • You watch yourself become ‘neutral’ to things that used to piss you off and you can’t event find the ‘old’ way of being because it’s been disassembled. It’s gone. Poof! And did I mention really fast?!

When you pull the root it pulls it all out and those old presenting problems are just things that happened..and now there is no charge.
We can’t erase the past AND we can unhook the emotions that are attached to those old past events.


I know personally and struggled for years in agony doing all these techniques that were making small results and then after a one-weekend event I was introduced to the tools that I’m now trained in and I went from a state of HATE to LOVE in three days..that’s the way life should be.

And I’m grateful for the contrast that allowed me to heal and get to where I am now.

If you are curious about anything that I said or if you are saying that “It’s too good to be true.” , let me share real life successes with the women that I’ve worked with and let me explain the process is easier than you think.

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