3 of the Biggest Unconscious Blocks I see in New Entrepreneurs

Congratulations! You took the LEAP AND HERE YOU ARE!

If you feel overwhelmed then you are not alone. That is a VERY common response and you will overcome it.

Here are 3 blocks that you may be hitting at the unconscious level if you are a new entrepreneur:

  1. You are ‘designed’ to only do when you are told to do and designed to only do certain things so you may be struggling to get into action as a self-starter and you might be resisting some of these new tasks that are important for doing what you do

  2. You are missing a recovery strategy- this means that if something doesn’t work out then you have nothing in your internal programming to ‘recover’ you. Realize that being an entrepreneur is one of the most EXPANSIVE things you will ever do. You are giving yourself an opportunity to grow in ways you cannot when you work with an organization because you are bound to a job description. As an entrepreneur there is a new flow, a new learning curve. So realize that you will have ups and downs as it is cycles of flow AND the most important thing is HOW you choose to respond to the downs.

If you have no unconscious recovery strategy then you may tell yourself you are failing when meanwhile there are 3 clients on the way next month and you just can’t see them. This is also a HUGE sabatoge strategy which MUST be eliminated and replaced.

Is that one resonating with you like it did with me when I started?

3. You struggle to ask for money. This is a totally NEW skill.

If you don’t have sales experience you may find this hard. Realize that you will get more comfortable. Now this can be very hard especially if you have a lot of ‘lack’ programming or guilt around having money. For me personally I grew up in a family where there was a lot of fighting about money, there was “NEVER ENOUGH” and guess which limiting belief I had to clear, that there is never enough and filled it with there is ALWAYS enough.

That new belief produces a BIGGER result. Now I’m blessed that I actually have programmed myself to have sales conversations the way I do talking to a friend or someone new that I met at a party. It’s about intimacy and connection and your heart.

Realize that your brain is filled with unconscious beliefs that have been programmed in you for pretty much your entire life. It’s surprising what is hiding.

So how can I help? I help you see these patterns and the deeper meaning in the pattern and change it. You can’t expect yourself to know because they are unconscious (meaning you don’t know what they are).

I have an extensive training background and had the opportunity to train over 5000 men and women and then became board certified in unconscious mind tools such as NLP, Time Line Therapy and Hypnosis I’m trained to understand your unconscious behaviour. I also use my intuition which is my superpower to help you understand you.

If I can work with someone who has massive anxiety and in less than 8 weeks has NONE then you can change anything! IT’s all inside you and when you get to the root you can change it quickly.

Realize you are ALWAYS doing your best as you are simply running your programming. AND your programming can be changed.

Many of my clients are super surprised when they start to unwind their problem (one that has been with them for decades) in just a short few weeks.

Every belief , the ones we like and don’t like, shows up in our life and impacts our relationships, life and business. This is just how we are designed. I will also share that when you make room because you have let things go, you have the opportunity to manifest FASTER because it is easier for you to focus on what matters and take actions that matter.

Releasing is also raising your frequency and when the past is gone there is only the future to see!

Imagine how that would feel? It’s totally possible.

Are you curious? Reach out to me today for a complimentary Illumination and Clarity call. Be well and keep believing in yourself because YES you can!